Income Tax Investigation?
We Can Help!

Complete the form or call 07584 706 664 to discover what we can do for you.

“ 2023 can mean tough times ahead for businesses – so if you are facing trouble from the Taxman, Lindsay guarantees her already competitive prices remain static for 2023, with new fixed fee quotes available in many cases! Nothing to lose by calling Lindsay on 07584 706 664 to start the year with peace of mind”

Got a letter from the Taxman?

As soon as you get a letter from the taxman you need to understand what is happening and how you need to deal with this. At this moment the last thing you want to do is wait until the morning or even worse after the weekend.

Call Lindsay now on 07584 706 664 to get the answers you need quickly.

We offer a free, no obligation initial consultation don’t forget out of hours calls are always welcome.

Need help getting the Taxman off your back?

Former tax inspector Lindsay Henson’s reputation is second to none in providing expert tax and VAT investigation advice.

It is always a shock to receive a letter from HMRC telling you an investigation has been opened into your tax affairs. If you need an experienced adviser to handle all types of HMRC investigations and offer expert advice and support, Lindsay should be your first port of call.

Initially we need to deal with a tax investigation quickly, taking control rather than following HMRC’s lead.

Lindsay is experienced in tax law and HMRC investigation procedures and can take over the reins in any HMRC tax investigation, even if they are already underway. It is never too late for Lindsay to intervene.

Her in-depth and expert knowledge allows her to undertake the most complex tax cases involving all types of HMRC tax investigations see my services in the dropdown menu.

Giving Lindsay a call will:

  • allow you, to continue with your business knowing that your HMRC tax investigation is being managed correctly and efficiently
  • provide a low cost access to expert tax investigation knowledge and experience
  • pass the worry and stress onto a tax investigation expert, who can deal with matters on your behalf, leaving you to get on with your life
  • limit the possibility of tax investigations spreading
  • limit the damage of tax, interest and penalties

With Lindsay you are in safe hands. She has seen it all before. You won’t be the first person under a tax investigation and you certainly will not be the last.

Call Lindsay now on 07584 706664 for a professional tax investigation service and representation.


Introduction to Lindsay...

Tax Investigation Specialist, a former tax inspector now fighting your corner.